My babies

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here's to my monday...

45 minutes of Gillian Michaels on my Wii last is to an hour today!!!! Go away fat!!! Here comes Bikini body again!!!!!

I don't really like the Gillian Michaels deal though..the controls barely register when you are doing things..However I I am keeping it up for a whole month before I give up! After that...we will just go back to the regular wii fit...

I am just not into running anymore. Our neighborhood is just not runner friendly. There just ins't anywhere to go. I talk little Pancho out for walks daily..that is my outside work out!
Heck the last 4 days though..I feel like a terrible person if I walked her. She is so exhausted by playing with Rupert and Coco that she started drooling like all the time. It is so gross...If she doesn't stop it after Coco goes home...I will take to vet..but she is eating and drinking and playing just as I am not worried..I think it is just over stimulation.

Oh and by the Pancho won't eat out of her food dishes. She got her collar stuck on the stand and it wouldn't let go so she is scared of it. Any insight on how to get her eating from the bowl again. I have tried putting bones in it and peanut butter in it...after work I am heading to Pet Smart to get some canned food...Yes she is so spoiled..but dang is always something.

Another funny that happened today....I got my new debit card in the mail. I didn't notice it was on Aaron's account. So, I had cut my card up not even thinking about now I am out a debit card....and just have Aaron's stupid card....Actually...that is great..I'll just spend all his money!!! haha!

Lastly...I got Mariokart after I get all set up on it..I'll let ya'll know my Kart number...we can play!

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