My babies

Thursday, May 28, 2009

These girls were our neighbors...

When we lived in Bedford at the Arbors of Central Park these little girls lived right next door to us. Not sure how long ago it was from the fire..but I remember them wearing those face covers to help with the burns. Their dad drove a limo...just thought it was great to see how they grew up....Glad they were able to get some help...

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fitness Boot Camp week..etc..

Before the recital:After the recital
During the recital

Mothers Day lunch with Starr

This was her trying to find us in the audience. It was priceless....

Brandon Rhdyer.. :)

Michele and me at Brandon... :)

Tish and me... :)

All the girls with Brandon...

All I can say is..this Fitness Boot camp is kicking my butt literally....on Wednesday I couldn't squat to pee let alone get up on Thursday at 5am to do it all over again..but I did...I feel pretty good today, but knowing tomorrow is running the stadium makes me almost cry.. ;)
Here are some videos of Brandon Rhyder...and pictures from last Friday and Mothers Day. Hope everyone had a great day and a great week!

Can't hang on.....

Jacob singing Taylor Swift..... excuse my singing..but this is just too cute..

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

OK-I have many updated..but thought this was amuzing

and SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ....We are not having to deal with this anymore..but it is amazing how much it takes out of you!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Dave part 2

How embarrassing....but obviously I was having fun...LOL! More Warehouse

Funny story about this song...I had just said to Starr on the way out there that I would have loved to hear this..and he played it. :)

Ants Marching

Here was the actual Set List:
Saturday May 2 2009 Center
Bartender *
Stay Or Leave *
Where Are You Going
Funny The Way It Is *
You Might Die Trying *
Spaceman *
Corn Bread *
The Maker *
Why I Am *
Crush *
When The World Ends *
Dancing Nancies *
Warehouse *
Crash Into Me *
Grey Street *
Ants Marching
All Along The Watchtower *

All I can say...DAVEEEEE Mathews is my man!!!

This was the start....the was raining so much I don't think I can explain the severety of it. But we were soaked. At about 30 minutes before the show started...we decided to just make a run for it. You will notice our clothes and hair didnt' really make it.
And a quick disclaimer...Yes..that is me singing in all the videos like an is a mix between Starr, me and Tracie...I don't want to hear anyone making fun of me..I had fun and for some reason if I scream while singing I think Dave can hear me..LOL!

Below is my hair...straight and all pretty. Starr worked on it for an hour. :( Well, You can't really tell..

Starr nice and dry..... is our hail mary! Cheers to being dry, lets make a run for it to get in there.... I know I have DAVEEEEEEEEEe overkill here. And I also know that you won't watch all the videos..and it is hard to hear what song is playing..
This is just a great jam time. Perfect to be able to show how the jams go!!!


When the world ends...

Dancing Nancies.....


Friday, May 1, 2009

In Jessica's fashion....

1. What is your current obsession? Dave Matthews Band...Can't wait for the concert tomorrow night. I am in serious need of a mini vaca with DAVE!!!!!! 13 rows back!!!! If you want to see where I am going to be...look here!!!!

2. What do you think your name says about you? I have no idea. Sensitive. Maybe that is what it says...I am so damn sensitive.

3. Who was the last person you hugged? My Pancho Diva. How could you not want to hug this adorable thing...4. What’s your favorite dinner? Spring Rolls with peanut sauce and chili sauce and jasmine green boba tea.

5. What was the last thing you bought? Chinese food from Great Wall of China YUMMM...

6. What are you listening to right now? My fan in my office and Tori Spelling E! True Hollywood Story.

7. What is your favorite weather? Rainy cold days when I can sit in front of a fire and vege on my couch.

8. What is your least favorite season? I guess summer..but I do love swimming and doing fun things outside..I just hate sweating

9. What's in your shower? Loofa, my coochy, my panteene shampoo and conditioner, razor and dove soap

10. What is your favorite tea flavor? unsweet tea or green tea

11. What did you want to become as a child? An astronaut. I remember when the Challenger exploded I told Starr that was what I wanted to be and she was like 3 or so...she cried so much and was so worried I was going to blow up too.....

12. What do you miss? being carefree....

13. What's your favorite brand of jeans? Love my Lucky's

14. What designer piece of clothing would you most like to own (new or vintage)? I don't know..I already have my Ed Hardy..I guess I want some Ed Hardy sunglasses

15. If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? To PA to see Clinton...I haven't seen him in for freaking ever.....we could have a quick drink and catch up

16. Who do you want to meet in person? See question #1...Dave Matthews would be a dream to meet

17. What is your most challenging goal right now? Getting back in shape....working hard at it. Have personal trainer tomorrow...So loving it!!!

18. What’s your 5 year plan? To be working Pure Romance full time...actually thatis my 3 year plan..but I guess at 5 years be very sucessful at it.

19. Why is today special? Because it is the last sleep before I see DAVEEEEEE!!!!

20. What is my favourite sport to watch? Basketball...I loveeeeeeeeeeeee the Dallas Mavericks...Go Mavs!!! I also love Dirk!!!

21. To play? used to be running...maybe again someday!!!
22. What is your favorite piece/pieces of jewelry that you own? my key necklace
23. One thing nice about the person who sent this to me? She is my girl! Love you Jess!!!
