My babies

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Way is my big one year old :)

Little Man - 1 month old
First smile

2 months old

3 months old

4 months old
Slept through the night 7p-730a
Rolled over--still got stuck on belly some still

5 months old
Swings at park
First Birthday party.  Went to Addison's birthday party.
First plane ride.  Went to Pennsylvania
First veggie-ate carrots
Rolled over the whole way no problem

6 months old

7 months old

8 months old
First trip to zoo
1st real babysitter and 1st time to spend the night away from Mommy and Daddy
Sit all by self
Mommy starts work.  :(  No more breastfeeding
First cold was day mommy went back to work
1st tooth

9 months old
Hold bottle alone
Found shadow
2nd tooth
feeds self finger foods
Army crawls everywhere

10 months old

11 months old
Says Dada and Mama
Plays Peek a Boo
Spend night with Mommy and Daddy at Addison's house
Stands alone
Fitst time to clap

12 months old
Walked the day after your birthday
Dance with your Auntie all the time now. 
Favorite song is ABC.  Every time someone sings it to Noah, he looks amazed that someone else knows that song too.
14 months old
Loves Elmo.  Hated the elmo coustume.  Noah runs to the other room when he hears the Elmo's World song--where the show is playing.

13 months old
Gives kisses all the time to Pancho.  He loves Pancho.  When he hears her bark he barks back.  It is more of a high pitched squeel though.  He barks  back to all dogs now.  If you ask what a doggie says..he does his bark. 
15 months old
1st Brain Tumor Walk

Life is amazing with Noah.  I don't know what our life would be like without him.  I know I haven't blogged in forever.  So, I will just start with where we are now.  --December 1st I decided to have Noah go cold turkey from the paci.  He fussed for a day or so..but we are now done with no paci.  He really only used it at night, naps and sometimes in the car.  Now, he is paci free.  It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. 
He is getting 2 molars though.  The poor baby just seems so miserable somedays.  We use the Hylands teething tablets though.  That is a godsend!
My job is good.  I really wish I could just be with Noah every day and do the stay at home mom stuff.  He has an awesome nanny though.  We are so blessed to have Amber in our lives.  He loves her and squeels and laughs all day long.  
Noah started going to the Little Gym on Saturdays.  It is too cute to see him rolling around and playing with other kiddos.  This weekend is the first weekend Aaron will be able to I will get some pictures. 
I will work on blogging more regularlly....This catches us up a little here. :)  

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

coming up slowly on a year....

Pancho Diva is turning 3 on Saturday.  She is a great dog with Noah.  We couldn't be luckier. 

Bathtime is the best time ever.  This kid is a fish. 

We love going for walks and playing at the park.  When it isn't 100 degrees.  So we have gone like 2 times this summer. 

Getting into EVERYTHING!  I swear nothing is sacred anymore. 

Aunt Jen got to meet Noah.  Pictures didn't happen that well.  But we tried. 

First trip to Chuck E Cheese. 

Daddy's new "shadow".  He helps with everything. 

Jacob's new obsession is the superheros. 

Father's day present

First haircut at King's Razor. 

First lollypop. 

Father's Day

Brandon and Noah.  Brandon moves back in at the end of the summer.  So looks like the brothers will get to hang alot more. 

Grandpa and Noah

Here I crawl. 

Hanging out with friend Joseph

4th of July

My little firecracker

Went to LaGrave Field to see fireworks with Melissa, Randy and MaKenna. 

water fun

Too much fun

Professional Pictures...eck!

Kiddie Kandid....I do not recommend!

My little man is coming up on one year...I can not believe how fast a year goes.  He is a great army crawler.  And getting into everything.  I mean EVERYTHING!!!!!  The little dude scales everything and tries to stand--I don't know how I don't weigh 100 pounds...I am never sitting down anymore.  LOL! 
The summer is flyng by.  I can't wait for it to be over.  I am soooo tired of sweating!!!  We have had 19 days in a row of 100+ degrees. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Mother--Tell me your story...

I thought this would be an easy way to keep up with my blog on days that I may not have much to say.  I have a book that my mom gave me for Christmas that is a journal on how to keep Noah all up to date on my life and his and my upbrining.  So I can do page by page as I feel:

Mom's Story:
Your date and place of birth:
I was born on August 24th 1977 in Portsmouth Virginia in the Naval Hospital that my dad and mom were based at. 
My parents' names:
My mom is Arlene Marie Scherer and my dad is Glen Larkin Greene.  Glen was in the Navy and they lived on base.  My mom went into labor with me while watching All My Children.  Her water broke and she didn't know what to do.  So, she changed clothes over and over again.  Apparently not the way to go. 
My brothers and sisters:
Just Starr.  She is my best friend and best Auntie.  She has Gabriella and Jacob.  Both, are pretty much like your brother and sister...but special cousins. 
How did your parents decide on your name?
My mom went to school with a girl named Sheila and she always liked the name.  So, Sheila it was.  I was named Marie for my middle name after my mom.  So...Sheila Marie Greene (later to become Sheila Marie King) was it.  I was raised with the last name of King --Glen would not let Mark adopt me..but did allow for me to take his last name to make life a little easier growing up.  ********************************************************************************
New stuff going around here: 
Looks like we have a crawler.  Noah is more of a GI Joe crawler as Aaron calls it.  I swear though, the kid can be in a new room in about 2.5 seconds.  We went to get pictures taken yesterday.  It was a very exhausting experience with Jacob, Gabriella and Noah..between the 5 hours we were gone..each kid had their own melt down.  Jacob didn't want to walk, NoaWell-youh was hotter then all get out (which makes him very miserable to be around) and Gabriella had a loose tooth and was so scared it was going to fall out or hurt.  Starr and I were ready for a drink about 15 minutes into it.  I will post the pictures later...
They were a surprise to my mom for her interestingly enough..Gabriella just came up with a lie on the fly..she told Mama that we were at the park all day.  So funny!!!

7 months old

8 months old

9 months old
