My babies

Monday, June 22, 2009

It sure has been awhile...

Life sure is busy...

Pure Romance is doing real good for me. We are making average about $500 a month so take home. I can't believe how much fun it is too. We just keep on keeping on....eventually we will be doing this full time....I can't wait...the daily drudge of my killing me..but it is job security. :)

Thursday morning my mom, Gabriella and I are heading to Colorado to see Aunt Marty and Uncle Bruce. Between working two jobs and just the daily busy stuff...I need a vacation! Aunt Starr is going to watch Pancho Diva for me...I hope they have fun together... :) I'll miss my little girls face though...hope she doesn't miss me as much...

I don't have much else to say right now...hopefully more to come later. :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We are infested with Bees.....

I was washing my dishes one day and I look out the window to see a swarm of bees in between my house and my neighbors house. The ended up on my fence....
Than they have now moved two houses down....

This was the swarm that ended up on my fence...

Well, I didn't know what to I called our HOA and the city and no one would I said screw it...and called the news..I had 2 news crews here taping the bees. It was so funny...Just a little excitement for our street...
